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FireFox: Browser Many Bugs dan Not Safe???


According to the research, it turns out Mozilla FireFox browser has a number of bugs and security issues more than that of Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera are combined at once.

From the study also revealed that although the third party browser that has many problems, but software development team behind him able to handle it very well.

Research conducted by Secunia, the reliability of software testing specialist company stating that FireFox has 115 vulnerabilities recorded in the year 2008. Far more than IE which only has 31 problems, which have 32 hole Safari, and Opera, which turned out only has 30 security holes.

However, when compared to Internet Explorer, Mozilla is able to overcome the security hole is much faster and no need to provide notification to users that a patch is underway.

For instance, Microsoft took 110 days to address two vulnerabilities published in the category of "high to moderate" while Mozilla's only takes 43 days to fix three vulnerabilities are uncovered and into the category of "less critical" and "not critical".

FireFox continues to erode the dominance of Internet Explorer. Currently, according to reports NetApplications, Mozilla has a 21.77 percent share of the global browser market, while IE left with 67.44 percent. Fell more than 7 percent in the last year.

Sumber : Vivanews, BlogiVan

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